My how things have changed!

Hello friends and family! I've decided to start a blog in order to keep in touch with everyone. I hope you all are doing well!

The past year has been a wonderful, scary, exciting, and tiring ride! A quick recap: I graduated from college, started a new job, found out I was pregnant, started another new job, and eventually had a beautiful baby boy....all the while with a supportive..and frightened husband by my side... dealing with his own job transitions! WOW! God loves to keep us on our toes!

On May 23rd 2008, Aiston Ryne Graham entered this world with wide eyes and a curious mind. With the birth going so well and after being blessed with such a wonderful, almost painless labor, I thought what came next would be a breeze.....HAH! Since day one he has kept us busy! Getting through those first few weeks was the toughest thing I've ever done. I never realized how important sleep was to the human body! Each day has gotten better and we have all gotten to know and love each other very much.

Ace is getting so big..and looks like his dad more and more each day. He has been such a blessing to our family and we are so excited to be his parents. I could not have imagined the changes that would come with being a parent. We find ourselves driving slower, eating quicker, sleeping less, and smiling more. It is so fun watching Aiston grow and seeing his personality shine through. He started smiling and recognizing our voices about a month ago...and now is grasping things with his hands and putting anything he can in his mouth! He loves his bouncy chair and has extensive conversations with the plastic monkey on it ;). He is finally sleeping through the night...praise God! Everyday he seems more curious. Today I let him taste my peach and he made some great faces. I think he couldn't decide if he liked it...but he watched ME eat it with such intent eyes.

Eric and I are both back to work, and it is going very well. Meri, the lady that takes care of Ace in her home is wonderful. We are very blessed to have such great care for him. It is hard leaving him for an entire day...but it is such a sweet reunion when we pick him up in the evenings. I am also working 2 days from home, so I get to hang out with him during the week...which is soo nice! We are all adjusting pretty well to the new routine.

Before we went back to work we took a road trip to Ohio for one of my best friend's wedding. It was a long trip with a 2.5 month old...but it was so great to see all the family and friends. Ace did pretty well considering we dragged him across country! Note to self...never do that again with a baby!

At Ohio State Campus.

Ace and Great Grandma Boo-Boo!

Enjoying his bouncy chair!