4 months old!

The days seem to be flying by.... Already it is the end of September and Ace is 4 months old! He continues to grow and develop into a mischievous little boy. He is able to bring things to his mouth and successfully drench whatever it is with drool...as if to mark his territory. I think we are officially at the teething stage. He is talking more every day and discovering ceiling fans, lights, and the TV. Yes, he loves the cooking channel... I swear I'm not trying to brainwash him into being the chef of the family! ;)
We were able to spend a long weekend in Jax a couple weeks ago and visit with family and friends. It was so nice and relaxing. Ace got some quality bonding time with "Lolli and Pop" and "GG and DD". What a great blessing our family is. Of coarse, Ace didn't leave a pair of hands the whole time...and we suffered the consequences the next few days! ;) Oh well....I guess that's what to expect when he goes to Grandma's house!

Ace with his Great-grandparents "GJ" and "Papa"

Ace with his cousins and Aunt Tash and Uncle Zach!


Football Season!

So it begins....
Football season is upon us. With 2 home games under our belt we are becoming pros at getting all our "equipment" loaded up and making an appearance at Katie and Jason's tailgates. It is a bit of a different experience now with a newborn in tow! But I must say - Ace is quite the trooper! Of course it helps that he is being held the whole time. And I think he is getting use to hearing the periodic "Look, a Seminole baby!" from the always "enthusiastic" students passing by. The best part is showing off his new game-day apparel! ;)

Ace gett'n to know the ladies! (Rian and Tracy)

And then of course there's Sunday football. Ace is getting pretty comfy watching the games on the couch with Dad. And mommy likes the idea that he seems to be entertained for a few hours and she can get her Sunday afternoon nap! I guess there are some good things about football....

Shhh....I'm watch'n the game with Dad!

Go Jags!

Labor Day

This weekend, in honor of Labor Day we had a wonderful, relaxing day at our friends Marty and Amy's house. They have a lovely home (and pool) and we did a good 'ol American style cookout! Ace got to take his first dip in a pool! He wasn't too sure about it at first...but warmed up to the idea once he realized it was just like a gigantic bathtub! I think we have the next Micheal Phelps on our hands!
OK...I'm ready for the pool!
No wait...don't make me do it!Not so sure...
I guess this isn't so bad...Yep...this is the life!