Merry Christmas!

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated! We've been very busy these last few months. Thanksgiving was very nice in Jax (apart from my parents being away) and we were able to relax and enjoy friends and family. When we returned we packed up our house and moved to a new home! It was all a whirlwind and we are finally getting settled into our new neighborhood in "Goose Creek". It is soooo quiet and we love it! God has truly blessed us. We have plenty of room for Aiston to crawl around... which he should be doing very soon! He is sitting up on his own now. He also has his two front bottom teeth...just in time for Christmas. He's growing so fast!

Christmas was so much fun this year with Aiston! I think he really enjoyed himself. :) We enjoyed spoiling him anyways. It's always fun to see the grandparents. The weather was a little warm...but beautiful! We actually got to go to the beach a couple days! I'm sad it had already come and gone...but am excited for what the new year will bring!